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 Welcome to the Seneca Valley School Counseling Webpage!

How can we help you?



Services Provided

School Counselors follow the ASCA (American School Counselor Association) National model to provide services within the three domains: academic, social/emotional, and career. These domains promote mindsets and behaviors that enhance the learning process and create a culture of college and career readiness for all students.


Schedule Change Request

Student schedules will be posted on the Student Portal in late August 2024.  Students are strongly encouraged to follow their schedules for the first few days of school before deciding to change a course. If there is still a need to make an adjustment, students must complete a Schedule Change Request Form with parent/guardian signature.  Click HERE or visit the SHS Guidance office for the form.  This form requires a parent/guardian signature and, if indicated by the course description listed in the online Program of Studies, a teacher's signature.  Please be aware the completion of this form is NOT to be considered as an approval for a schedule change.  Your schedule change request may not be possible due to the class periods that courses are offered.       

Schedule change requests will be processed on a first come-first serve basis. First semester and full year schedule change requests will not be accepted after 3:00 pm on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Second semester schedule change requests will not be accepted after 3:00 pm on Monday, January 27, 2025.

If a student wishes to discuss their schedule during the add/drop periods listed above, please have the student email the completed schedule change form to their counselor or stop in the school counseling office during the period which requires a change and pick up or drop off a schedule change request form.  

SHS Counselors 11th – 12th


Mrs. McQuiston – A-D


Mrs. D. Christopher – E-K


Dr. Rockey – L-Q


Mrs. Kostlich – R-Z


Mrs. Estvanik – Full-Time Cyber


Students need to monitor their school email and Teams accounts for important information. 



Seeing a Counselor

A student can make an appointment to see a School Counselor by visiting the guidance office, calling or e-mailing them directly.  An appointment will be made during a convenient time in the student's schedule. Students will receive an email invitation through their Seneca Valley email account. Students will need to monitor their Seneca Valley email account and use this as a pass to be dismissed from class. Please note that requests are handled in the order in which they were received, but priorities may shift based upon need.