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The Seneca Valley Graduation Project is a continuing educational experience throughout the senior year requiring the successful completion of three separate components in a student-chosen area of study. The components include a project, a portfolio and an oral presentation.  During a student's senior year, he/she  will develop a project that may be community, career or enrichment oriented. The student’s progress will be logged in an individual portfolio prepared by the student that judges will review before hearing the student’s presentation of his/her Graduation Project. The successful completion of EACH of the three components is a graduation requirement.




Graduation Project due dates are uniform for the entire Senior Class.  All Graduation Project assignments are due on or before the scheduled due date whether or not a student is in attendance that day. 


October 18: Project Proposal   (With Mentor Commitment and Parent Consent forms)

December 13: Log, Timecard, and Evidence Check #1

February 21: Log, Timecard, and Evidence Check #2

Feb. 24 - 28: Register for Senior Boards

April 9: Portfolios and Projects Due (Must contain Log Check #3, Final Timecard, and ALL  verification of project)

May 9: Senior Board Presentations


                                                     Due Date Policy

Graduation Project assignments are to be completed and/or uploaded to the students’ own Graduation Project Portfolio page on Moodle. Graduation Project assignments are due no later than 8:00 am on the specified due dates. Teachers will verify submission and assess work after the 8:00 am deadline. Work received after the 8:00 am deadline on the specified due dates will be subject to the following penalties:

• Work submitted within two days of the initial deadline will receive a 25% point reduction.
• Work submitted two days or more after the initial deadline will receive no credit. Work submitted after 8:00 am on the second day after a due date falls into this category.


Questions or concerns should be directed to the Graduation Project Coordinators:
Mrs. Laura Lugarich:
Mrs. Sarah Braband:
Mr. Michael Stebbins:
Mr. Jeff Richards: