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Donating Clothing

At this time, No Cost To Shop is gratefully accepting donations of new hygiene products and other unused items. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept previously used or worn items, as we do not have the capacity to sort and clean them. Thank you for your understanding and generosity!


Donating Hygiene Products

Toiletries and other hygiene products are always needed at No Cost to Shop. We offer an extensive array of products for students and can accept donations of those items at any time.

Products that we run out of quickly include:

  • Deodorant
  • Shaving Cream
  • Hairbrushes
  • Feminine hygiene products 

Products that shoppers want but are not frequently donated:

  • Face wash (especially blemish control)
  • Dry shampoo
  • Band-aids
  • Men's underwear (new in package or with sales tags)

Donations can be dropped off at the captured entrances of both the Senior High School and the Intermediate High School. 

Hygiene product donations can be dropped off at the captured entrance of the Senior High School.

Donations can be purchased through our Amazon Shopping list and shipped directly to the Senior High School. Wish List for No Cost to Shop

Donating Funds

Monetary donations are used to purchase in-demand items or special requests (Please see the More About Us section).

Checks can be made out to Seneca Valley Foundation, memo line: No Cost to Shop. They can be dropped off in the Senior High School main office or mailed to Seneca Valley Senior High - No Cost to Shop, 128 Seneca School Road, Harmony, PA 16037. 

Thank you for your interest in supporting No Cost to Shop.